
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Euky Bear

Went to Putrajaya last Saturday to get a date for ROM with my boyfriend.. but lo and behold JPN was closed for Raya.

So ended up in Alamanda with breakfast at McDonald's =D

Thought of catching up on a movie.. was thinking along the line of Batman BUT it was no longer showing in smaller cinemas...

So walked around Cold Storage and chanced upon a section where they displayed some eucalyptus oil.. you know koala bears' staple food.

Turns out eucalyptus oil has antiseptic effect and can help breathing so ended up buying 3 products!

1) Eucalyptus oil 25ml RM9.99
Good for insects bite but the effect is temporary.

Boyfriend is buying it for muscle ache from football playing injury. He's hoping it will help. Will see in coming match tomorrow.

2) Euky Bear Rub 50g RM15.99
something like Vicks Vaporub but more natural I guess.. Also stronger so it stings a bit compare with Vicks.

3) Euky Spray 200g RM21.99
kills 99.99% germs - better smell than Dettol but double the price of Dettol cos Dettol is only about RM16 for 450ml.

But we tried spraying in the car and the smell is really good.. Supposed to help breathing too so now I sprayed on my pillow before bedtime. Yes the smell is good, a bit like tea tree oil but it doesn't last.. That's the drawback.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Eye Cream Review

Having worked for 3 weeks, everyday without any holiday and until past midnight, it's only normal that I would suffer from dark eye circles...

Sigh.. What's a girl to do?

Actually plenty!! Knowing that I'll be working like this, I stock up on:-
1) Bing Han ginseng
2) Strivectin eye cream
3) Bremmen eye cream
4) Talika eye decompress
5) Shiseido White Lucent eye cream
6) Shiseido The Skincare eye cream

You must be thinking this girl must be filthy rich to buy all these... Well the truth is I didnt buy them but received them as samples.. Hehe...

Ginseng helps to improve blood circulation and hence I didnt suffer from dry eyes like years before but no significant changes to dark circles.

Strivectin and Bremmen
I lumped them together cos it does NOT work! In fact the Strivectin seems to make my eyes worse!

Talika and Shiseido White Lucent and The Skincare
Very very good! Only thing is Talika is really expensive whereas Shiseido is more economical at only RM185 each.

Plus point for Talika is the smell plus instantly your eyes feel moisturized, not to mentioned the "special effect" when the cotton mask seems to soak the blue liquid in seconds! Real AMAZING!!

Difference between Shiseido White Lucent - after applying the skin is dry. Skincare - the skin is really moisturized but no effect for dark circles.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bath Towels - Your start to a Super Luxury Lifestyle

I've got a confession to make. I'm the type of person who will use an item until it gives way.. be it a bag or shoe.

The same goes for my bath towel. I remember I still use the same towel I used when I was in secondary school for more than 10 years until the colours are so worn out that it does not bear any semblance to it's original state. A condition that qualifies it as rags...

Anyone out there like me?

But one fateful day, I happened to be in Singapore, Takashimaya to be exact, which was having sale and I chance upon this fluffy light pink Givenchy bath towel.

After conversion, it'll set me back about RM45 so I figure why not pamper myself once in a while with a luxury item. I cant afford a Givenchy dress but hey I can own a Givenchy towel!!

I've never looked back since then. My recent purchase is a Hallmark luxury towel. Usual price about RM200 but it was on sale in Sogo KL.

And believe me, it's worth every sen cos you use your towel every day and having a soft but super absorbent towel is definitely the best way to end a warm relaxing bath.

Sigh... Now I cant wait to have my shower so I can use my super luxurious towel ;p

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chaos in KL

The first few days of Raya may be over but the memory of the clash between DBKL and petty traders are still fresh on my mind.

It started on 12 August 2012, 10:54pm, as I was coming out of Semua House parking, I saw a large crowd creating a lot of ruckus near a DBKL truck.

Adding 1 and 2 I assume it must be between them and the petty traders as days before I saw a few officers on a daily basis confiscating the traders' trolleys filled with canned as well as bottled drinks.

So I guessed the 12th August incident must have been the traders' final straw cos their frustrated of being harassed, having to move about and running to escape the authorities during this short window of trying to make an extra buck for Raya.

Not only cant they make a profit, now they even lose all their "modal" and trolley included.

Anyway back to the incident, well there were some sharp exchange of words and ended with the DBKL truck leaving the place.
DBKL truck leaving the rowdy crowd behind

But this episode was by no way the end of the matter as again the NEXT DAY we see a bigger scale altercation between them, ending with the DBKL officers running for refuge at Balai Polis Jalan Campbell.

The traders then acted like hooligans and proceeded to destroy all DBKL properties like safety cones, tent, and signages.

NOTE the destroyed white DBKL signboard

Things only cool down with the presence of police who came to mediate between the groups. Final outcome:- the traders can trade provided they do not block traffic flow.
Police intervention

The white DBKL signage after being punched by the people 

Broken DBKL tent 

An untouched tent further down the road - spared from destruction

things were still sour as usually by the 2nd last day of raya, DBKL usually are pretty lax with the traders but this year, many can only trade freely after 12am..

Such a huge difference from two years ago when the police closed Jalan TAR for the pedestrians and traders.

Photo taken on 9/9/2010 12:11am

Guess it never pays to fight with the uniformed authority no matter how unjustly you were treated.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Shaken not stirred

This me think is a good practice - to shake your drinking water in a bottle before drinking it as it introduce a lot of oxygen into the water.

I got this inspiration from:-

1) drinking Bing Han ginseng as we must shake till the ginseng powder and water becomes foamy for "saponification" ie the process that produces soap to happen... Somehow this will help break down fat or something like that.

2) watching Bear Grylls in one of Man vs Wild episode where he found a small pool of stagnant water. He said even though the water looks clean, stagnant water can pose a serious danger. So basically he:-
a) strain the water with cloth or his socks.. I cant remember
b) place the bottle of water in the front backpack compartment so that the water is exposed to UV or sunlight
c) shake the bottle vigorously before drinking

So from ADDING 1 + 2, I deduce that water that have been shaken will be good for our body as it'll be full of oxygen since humans need oxygen to survive!


The next time you reach for you plain water, no harm in giving it a nice shake before drinking!!