
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Before buying a Medela breast pump, read this.. - UPDATED

It's undisputed that the Mother of all breast pumps is Medela Freestyle because it seems to be on every mom's wishlist.

But the price factor makes many especially me think twice. Maybe because one is never sure how long she can breastfeed and how many children will she have.

Also I was afraid that cheaper brands will hurt the nipple or not work as well or worst, break down easily. Cos even cheaper brands will cost a few hundred ringgits and this money can instead go towards "Medela Freestyle fund".

It was because of these reasons that I bought a Medela Harmony manual pump at RM215 when I had sore and cracked nipples in Day 5.

And I was very content with the manual pump and used it during my confinement to stock up more than 30 bottles of 90ml milk in the freezer.

my stockpile :D

I'll use it on one side as my son direct latch on the other breast.

But once I began work full time, in less than a week of pumping using the manual pump, I knew I need to get a double electric pump.

Because not only was tiring to empty 2 breasts, it took too long. Almost 45 minutes away from work desk do not rest well with my bosses especially after 2 months confinement leave.

So in my quest to look for a reliable electric pump, I chanced upon a mother using SPECTRA M1 in a nursing room which we shared in Jusco MidValley,

Seeing the ease of pumping, low noise as well as the affordable price tag of less than RM600 and most importantly real testimony of its reliability, I was elated that there are other pumps beside Medela!

I was convinced to get myself a Spectra M1 until my cousin told me that I can go to PUMP ON THE GO (a retail shop in Kelana Jaya area - click PumpOnTheGo website) to try it out.

At Pump on the Go, moms can try all the popular brands and they even provide breastmilk storage bags for you to pack the milk expressed during the trial.

It was in Pump on the Go that I was convinced that:-

- Medela Freestyle is not for me because of the LOUD noise and
- Spectra M1 is not for me because of it's too-powerful suction.

The very informative saleslady reasoned that since I am a Medela Harmony manual pump user, I will not like Spectra.

Indeed Spectra made me felt like a cow because not only is the sucking pulling my nipple from front to back, it even  shake it!

During the trial I was most impressed with Mango Ilaria and Lacte Duet double pump.

 Here is comparison between Malish and Lacte:-


Besides these 4 brands (Medela, Spectra, Malish and Lacte) , you can even try Eve Love and Autumnz at PumpOnTheGo and also other manual and single electric pumps!

So now you know these alternatives, you can make a good decision for a breast pump. One which will work for you. For all you know, you might still end up buying a Medela Freestyle but at least you know you have tried other brands. So happy breastfeeding to you!! :D

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

UPDATED @ 28 July 2015

Having been pumping for 12 months and still counting, this is my humble opinion on breastpump:-

1) get a pump (double and electric if you are in for the long haul) that have LESS PARTS TO CLEAN.

This is because cleaning the pump will be a CHORE that you have to do almost DAILY! So the less parts, the less things to clean and less time spent on cleaning!

Somehow the pump especially the part which attaches the membrane is prone to "fungal" growth cos our milk is really ALIVE!

This does not only affect Lacte pumps as my friend using Medela faces the same problem.

2) if you can afford Medela, then might as well GET A FEW PUMPS.

For me, initially I pump in the house, car and office. So why not buy a few pumps and keep a pump in each location. Also the one in house and car can be single pump since you might not be pumping both breasts at the same time.

Why is this good? Well, it will translates to less one item to carry.


  1. u said it took 30min to pump be it lacte or malish. Do u mean 30min to empty both breasts? i'm looking for new breastpump and thinking of buying lacte duet or malish ilaria. i'm using ameda breastpump and it is in year 3 now in service for me :) now still using ameda for my 2nd child. however i felt it had somehow increase my pumping time than when i was pumping for my 1st child. now it took me more than 30min. up to 40min. my nipple had got a bit sensitive to ameda's suction now but the suction strength didnt change i think. i am looking for a more eficient pump. How do u find the pumping time now with lacte?

    1. Yes and one more question what do u mean lacte has a better suction than ilaria? is it in terms of strength or softness? i didnt have chance to try these pumps unfortunately because there is no baby shop here that allows u to try on breastpump. i would really appreciate for your reply

  2. Normally at work, it will take me 30 min to empty both breasts since it's double pump.

    But at night, when my breasts are more engorged, I will need about 40mins too.

    Between Lacte and Illaria, the suction are similar but just that Lacte have soft silicone breastshield so it makes suction more effective but at the same time gentler.

    Are you staying in Klang Valley? Cos if you are, you should drop by Pump On The Go in Kelana Jaya to try these pumps.

    If not, you can make a day trip there cos the pumps sold there are also cheaper than outside market. Example Medela Freestyle only for RM1,499 :O

    Lacte is also cheaper there by about RM50.

    Otherwise you can try contact Ameda to service your unit and check the suction power. If really reduced, then only you buy a new pump.

    BTW for me to shorten the pumping time, it helps to:-

    1) shake or massage your breasts first
    2) toggle between "expression" and "stimulation" mode, Meaning after 10 mins of expression, I will switch to 2 mins of stimulation and so on.

    Hope these tips are helpful!! :D

  3. tq very much for your respond. medela is pricey just because of brand..i knew i had tried medela swing (my SIL's) before..i dont prefer medela at all and i pity for those who want it and didnt know about medela's flaws despite its breastfeeding awareness in msia is increasing and many local breastpump came in this year like lacte, evelove, and trueeluv. very good indeed

    anyhow im not staying in Klang or anywhere near. i'm staying in perlis. :D so no chance to try lorr :D

    and! very good tips tqvm! new for me. never knew u could actually shake the breasts before pumping haha..and big congrats to u for having the first child! what a blessing. i too have one tip for u. u said in another post u could handsfree by placing the bottles steadily on your thighs. u can actually hang the breastshield at the bra with nursing bra. just fit in the breastshield inside the holes of nursing bra and clip it. and there u go it hangs just right and stable and u could start pumping handsfree. i hope u get what i meant because dont know how to put pic here. tq very much and happy breastfeeding! ;)

    1. medela harmony is exceptional however. it is a very good manual of the best indeed :D

  4. Hey thanks for your reply. Yes though Medela saved my baby's life cos the photo therapy lights used in HUKM for his jaundice treatment are Medela's brand. Who knew that Medela specialized in so many baby products.

    However I agree with you that Medela is pricey. Maybe cos it's from Switzerland (currency exchange and all).

    Also now besides using hands free pumping bra, there is a new product for handsfree pumping that is FREEMIE.

    You can google on it. Do take care and happy breastfeeding to you!! :D

  5. Hi dears,

    Please do not say so to us Medela users...
    I have been bf since my first son. Used manual avent altho I'm working,
    until 3rd pregnancy I chanced upon 2nd Medela FS(which has been on
    my wish list for years) at only RM1000, complete and like-new set with box
    and previous owner only used once or twice. Yes, I only spent RM1k but
    even if I buy brand new for double the price, I won't regret it. If I were to use
    your comparison table above, I will tick all criteria except 2 or 3, tho I don't really
    bothered by the sound cause it's easily concealed :) and there are louder
    bp with more significant drawback(such as size, battery and suction) out there.
    Maybe Medela FS is costly and not for all, but as for value for money, it is indeed.
    Especially if you plan to bf for yearsss to come(I won't stop at 3 only for kids).
    RM1999(retail) is not the cost of the pump only, you will be surprised will all
    the accessories included ;)
    Easier to clean than Avent manual, and fungal concern? I have none, even during
    my Avent manual era. The secret : periodically immerse in hot water and Shaklee Hand Dish Wash.
    And lastly, if we don't use it anymore we can let go Medela FS at good price really, as long as the motor still working. replace the shield or tubing with new accs perhaps, then it will be gone ASAP ;)

    Just for info if anyone coming here for comparison.

    1. Hi Narshifa,

      Thanks for leaving a comment.

      I have been pumping for close to 14 months on my RM450 Lacte pump without any problem. At this price I can buy 2 more pumps for my future kids without worrying about deteriorating parts and accessories.

      It's all a matter of preference as there will still be people who will buy Medela after reading this but at least they know that there are other good cheaper alternatives.

      This is the purpose of my blog. Not to talk down on any brands or users but to show them that breastfeeding need not be an expensive journey with high startup costs.

      BTW thank you very much on your soaking tips!

  6. I will be delivering my baby in Jan 2016. I dis not breastfed my 2 older kids bcoz no knowledge that time. I plan to BF my baby (probably my last baby bcoz czer 3 time oredi) not sure until how long i can succesfully maintain BF. My target at least 6 months hope so.

    My question shud i purchase breast pump before delivery or when he is one month old? Previousy bg was fail bcoz i think i am not enough milk. So on day 2 we oredi start formula milk. Will it be tiring if i use manual pump or shud i just buy the lectric pump?

    Tq. Hope to hear from you :)

    1. Hi Huda Maisa,

      Just a few tips from my gynae Dr Tan Ee Ping:-
      1) if you have baby formula at home, there will be a higher chance of not breastfeeding.

      This is because your mother in law or mom or hubby will see and say:-

      a) "poor baby.. crying... must be hungry.. not getting enough milk.. let's give him milk powder."
      b) "poor Huda.. so tired.. let her sleep and we feed the baby with milk powder."

      So to ensure success, do NOT keep any milk powder at home. It's normal for baby to cry. Crying is their ONLY way of communicating.

      For my case, baby had problem latching as my nipple was not protruding so I just thicken my face and try and try to breastfeed. Don’t give in to pressure!

      Keep calm and relax as baby can sense your mood and anxiety.

      Don’t worry and keep EYE CONTACT with baby when you breastfeed and the milk will automatically come. God created us perfectly to be breastfeeding mothers.

      2) my gynae said set your target as 1 week cos many cannot even breastfeed for a week.

      That’s what I did. I just take it one week at a time and before long, it will become one month!

      So set smaller goals and enjoy the journey =D

    2. As for breast pump, since you already decided to breastfeed for long, then I would recommend an electric double pump because once I purchased one, I hardly used my manual single pump.

      A: Well this will depend your nipple.

      Because if you have inverted or flat nipple (I had flat nipple), then I would recommend that you get a pump now to start “pulling” your nipple.

      A: Does your nipple look like the nipple on a baby bottle?

      If not, then you have a flat nipple, which is very difficult for baby to latch on to.

      If you are blessed with baby bottle looking nipple, then you can wait and not buy the pump first cos you will only start pumping and keeping milk for storage beginning of 2nd month, so that you have supply when you return to work on the 3rd or 4th month.

      So during 1st month, just direct latch and not worry about pumping.

      A: You are producing milk, so you can try various pumps at Pump On The Go shop and “see” the results.

      Hope my above answer your questions and if you have further questions, feel free to ask and I will be happy to answer to the best of my ability!

      Lastly congrats on the new addition to your family!! Wow!! So exciting on your New 2016 Year present!

  7. I actually enjoyed reading through this posting. Many thanks.
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  8. Hi JL:)

    thanks for enlighten me with other worthy bp brands but works effectively other than Medela!


  9. The medela breast pump is ok to buy or not ? Please give the input. Thanks

    1. Hi Thiru,

      I guessed you need my input cos you are unable to visit Pump On The Go outlets... well, since my blog, they have intro new pump designs and models like TINY TOUCH.

      The latest pumps are even smaller in size so you might want to google on Tiny Touch.

      Anyway, these are my humble opinions:-

      1) There must be reasons that Medela is so expensive, so if you have the extra cash to invest in Medela, by all means go ahead..

      2) Also if you intend to have more than 1 baby, again, no harm in Medela

      but if you have limited resources and / or plan to have 1 baby only / not sure if you will continue in breastfeeding journey for long, then why not try other brands.

      3) like I say, if I have the money, I will most likely get 3 pumps or more..

      One for in house
      one in office and
      one in car..

      Hehe.. this is the ideal quantity cos seriously you can get 3 generic pumps for the price of 1 Medela Freestyle pump.

      Hope my comments helped and terribly sorry on the delay.

  10. Hi All,

    Recently my Sil gave me her medela electric pump which she used 7years ago. Now Im having problem with the pump whereby the milk is getting into the motor. I have called and asked the service centre, as they request me to bring it over them and get repaired which can come up to RM 335+ Please anyone advise me, should I proceed for it or try to look for another?

    1. Hi terribly sorry for the delay. Normally gmail will inform me whenever there's a new comment but somehow it had stop functioning and I have not been blogging for more than a year.

      Guess my reply is too late for you.. but for other readers' sake, I would definitely use the "repair" money to buy another new "cheaper but still reliable" brand pump.

      Because who knows what else could be spoiled and it is common knowledge that Medela spare parts are very very expensive. The battery, diaphragm etc etc..

  11. Hi All,

    Recently my Sil gave me her medela electric pump which she used 7years ago. Now Im having problem with the pump whereby the milk is getting into the motor. I have called and asked the service centre, as they request me to bring it over them and get repaired which can come up to RM 335+ Please anyone advise me, should I proceed for it or try to look for another?

  12. Hi...just wondering, which pump did you eventually purchase? Was it malish or lacte?

    1. Hi terribly sorry for the delay. Normally gmail will inform me whenever there's a new comment but somehow it had stop functioning and I have not been blogging for more than a year.

      In the end I bought the Lacte because of the silicon breastshields.

      But after pumping for a year, I realised the hard type shields (Lacte brand also) are have less parts to wash, easier to assemble and works just as well.

      So on hindsight, the silicone shields should not be a factor for consideration. Should just choose based on design and price factor.

  13. Thanks for this usefull information that are given in your website best electric pumps

  14. Hi JL,
    Im a housewife n live together with my parents. Definitely I will direct bf my 1st coming baby this Sep 2017. I am thinking of buying Medela Harmony manual pump to avoid mastitis(bengkak susu) n to encourage more milk production. Could u share more ur experience with Medela harmony. Is it easy to use, to clean n comfort? How about it's manual suction? Does it give good suction? For how many years u use ur Medela harmony? Or do u highly recommend electric pump? Im thinking of manual since im not working n have lot of time for manual pumping n direct bf. Or should i take the single Lacte electric pump to save my time n energy?? Or just take the Lacte duet? Until now, I still cannot decide which breast pump is best for me. Haha.

    1. If you are a stay at home mom, then there is no need to get any pump because your baby would prefer fresh direct latch milk.

      If you are working full time and plan to breastfeed for long term (more than 2 months), I would recommend an electric pump.

      If you have the budget, then a double pump would be better than a single because it cuts the time by half.

      The way to encourage milk production is through direct latch in the middle of the night eg. 3am to 5am and if you are really low supply, you need to eat more and possibly take fenugreek supplement.

      Milk supply is through demand and supply. If oversupply, then will encounter mastitis.. but every time after mastitis, you will produce less milk. It's a cycle.

      I only use the Harmony for 2 months because I return to work and it was too tiring to manual pump.

      The hardest part about pumping is the DAILY washing. Cos too many parts, bottles etc and too oily to wash.

      So best look for a pump with the least parts to wash. Otherwise, just direct latch. Nothing to wash and you dont need to keep any stock in the fridge.

      Your body will adjust to your baby need. Relax and enjoy spending time with your baby!

      But the best thing about pumping is you can use the "expired" milk for baby bath. Our milk is really good for baby skin.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

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