
Monday, July 18, 2011

Bad hair day...

Hair salon / stylist... If only there is a way to check their ratings..

I recently had this bad experience of getting a hair cut from a hair salon in Mines Shopping Centre KL. Before I elaborate I paid RM30 for just hair cut (no wash, no blow).

I find it very funny that this stylist cut my hair without parting my hair into any sections and he basically comb, take the whole bunch, cut it as a bunch!!

To achieve the layer look he just took a thinning scissors, take a bunch of hair and start clipping my hair.

This is the first time in my life I experience this kind of service.

Later when I reach home only I realised that he over-cut my hair, meaning the top hair is really short, the bottom section is long and in between there are no other layered hair. So it look like I have 2 levels of hair.

So the moral of the story is if the salon is empty... or near empty chances are the stylists are not good. Do yourself a favour and leave the shop.

Look for one which are full. Wait or make an appointment if you have to. Just be patient otherwise you will suffer and bear with a bad haircut for a least 2 months depending on how fast your hair grows out.

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