
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Breast pumps - manual or electric?

Since I have tried both, my verdict are as follow:-

Manual pump
1) Less parts to wash and assemble (depending on model)
2) Cheaper
3) Total control on speed and suction
4) More natural suction like babies'

1) Tiring for the hand
2) Might not be able to empty breast cos your hands are tired from the pumping

Electric pump
1) Not tiring. With practice, you can even be hands free without using the hands free bra
2) Can empty the breasts
3) Adjustable speed and suction power (depending on model)

1) Price price price.. With Medela Freestyle going for RM1,499 (this is the cheapest price for this model in the market), it's no wonder people think twice before buying an electric double pump.

But fret not as there are many cheaper and affordable brands out there.

2) More parts to wash and there are more parts to be carried - the pump, tube and power adaptor.

The choice of pump will depend on how often you intend to pump.

If occasional pumping (once or twice a day), then manual will do. But if you are full time working mother, then do yourself a favour and get double electric pump!

See the guideline chart below on choosing the type of Medela's range of breast pump:-

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