
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fish Fight

Join the Hugh's Fish Fight to STOP the mad killing and wastage of fish!

Don't know what the fight is all about?

Well apparently scientists believed that the number of cod fish are under threat. So under the European Union fisheries commission, fishermen are given ridiculously low quota on the number of cod fish they can catch.

But in reality, fishermen are catching a lot of cod, hence their quota of cod fish is easily met within the first two catch. Which means once quota is full they have to throw back the caught but now dead cod into the sea.

And since the fishermen' quota for the rest of the quota are not met, they will still continue to run the trawler until all the quota are met (to make financial sense for going out to sea in the first place) before returning to land.

So this in turn translate to more cod being caught and thrown back into the sea DEAD! The fishermen have to throw these fishes in the sea cos if they come ashore with any fish above their quota, they will get fined.

So to stop this madness, please go to to sign the Fish Fight petition - to let the politicians know that people know about this and are angry about such system.

We may be in Malaysia, but whatever happens at the other end of the world, will somehow impact us someway. So make this fight personal wherever you are. It doesn't take much. Less than 2 minutes to sign the petition! As of now, the petition stands at 827,486.. really low for such a global issue! So make your name count!

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